
March Madness

Is this you, or someone you know, in the office?  Are you experiencing March Madness? We often have the best of intentions and are determined to get through those piles on our desks, cross off the to-do’s, and clean out your inboxes but then another co-worker needs your assistance, and the next thing you know…

Can you spot the differences?

Can you spot the differences in the emails you receive? How many times have you received an email and have quickly scanned through it? Probably so quick that you did not spot the differences as shown above. We all move at lightning speeds these days but unfortunately, when it comes to technology ~ email, text messages, social media,…

Start protecting your privacy

October is National Cybersecurity Month ~ when was the last time you changed your online passwords? When was the last time you reviewed which applications have access to your data? When was the last time you wondered “are you protecting yourself” from hackers and scammers? In today’s day, protecting your privacy should be one of…

Embracing the digital world

Are you fully embracing the digital world or is your home and office filled with cabinets of papers? Old files, bank statements, client paperwork, and more? In today’s age of technology, having that paperwork digitally is much more efficient and reduces the amount of clutter in your home and office. Saving documents on your computer…

Is your computer safe?

Today is National Computer Security Day; is your computer safe? Are you wondering why we would need a day devoted just to computers & security? Well, you should think again. Identity theft, fake accounts, frauds, ransomware viruses and more can make our online experiences challenging. Here are some tips to do TODAY! Keeping your computer…

Are you protecting yourself?

When was the last time you changed your online passwords? When was the last time you reviewed which applications have access to your data? When was the last time you wondered “are you protecting yourself” from hackers and scammers? Picture this ~ you wake up one morning, make your cup of coffee and sit down…

Anatomy of a Virtual Assistant?

Anatomy of a Virtual Assistant? A Virtual Assistant, is a person with a wide variety of administrative skills, working remotely from home. I don’t think the concept was not fully understood but now after the pandemic and working from home became a norm, it is not so out in the left field. Virtual Assistants, in…

Balance and Ways to Find it

How do you find balance?  I am often reminded that what works for some people does not necessarily work for others and that one person’s idea of balance may not be remotely balanced from another person’s perspective. Being balanced means you have a handle on the various elements in your life and don’t feel that…


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